
HGH And The Heart

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has been linked to the heart in both good and bad ways. As the super hormone that it is, HGH performs anabolic activities in the human system, and the results include inceased bone and muscle density, fresh, smooth skin, proper hair color and growth, and dozens of other benefits. However, there is one delicate part of the body that HGH use may positively or negatively affect- the heart.

Positively, HGH helps in maintaing proper heart functions and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases like itt builder in the somatic cells of the human body. Recombinant HGH (HGH) has been shown to improve heart functions, maintain healthy levels of exercise tolerance and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Over the years, it has been observed that adults with HGH deficiencies tend to accumulate a lot of visceral or abdominal fat, which increases the risks of cardiovascular conditions like stroke, heart failure, and myocardial infarction. In babies, or kids, HGH therapy has been shown to be vital in treating congenital heart diseases and other heart conditions.

On the other hand, excess levels of HGH in the body could also lead to potentially fatal conditions. One of the most common side effects of excess HGH is acromegaly, a condition that describes the enlargement of body parts in victims. Acromegal may also cause the heart muscles to thicken and enlarge, a condition known as cardiac hypertrophy, which could lead to cardiac failure.

Children and adults that use HGH in safe dosages and for the right purposes such as HGH deficiencies and any other condition that HGH may help treat are at lesser risk of the negative effects of HGH use, compared to those who use it for body building and athletic purposes. However, they should also be careful and maintain the prescribed dosage for administration.

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