
Human Growth Hormone: Myths & Facts

Since its advent, many conflicting opinions about growth hormone have prevailed among people. Many exaggerated claims and myths have been roared by the media and the HGH manufacturing pharmaceutical companies.

In this article, we will talk about some common myths about (synthetic) growth hormone and why these are not facts.

It should be noted that we are talking about synthetic growth hormone and supplements and not a natural growth hormone.

Myths About Growth Hormone

Myths like growth hormone, is the Fountain of Youth, and slows aging and prolongs life span, are prevalent in the general population. Among bodybuilders, it is falsely known to promote muscle building and strength.

Fountain of Youth

This myth prevails in the general population for three decades. In 1990, Rudeman claimed in his study that HGH supplements can, somewhat, improve the life quality in older adults. He contended that HGH increases lean muscle mass and decreased fat stores in older adults. It improved their mood and feeling of well-being.

The claims of this study were exaggerated by media and pharmaceutical companies who were manufacturing synthetic growth hormone.

But later studies did not support the claim. Recent studies show that the benefits claimed by Rudeman are insignificant. But the myth still prevails among the general population.

Instead, HGH supplements can do more harm than benefits. They can pose you at risk of diabetes and heart attacks.

HGH Builds Muscle Mass

The main claim in Rudeman’s study that HGH supplements add to the lean muscle mass in older adults showed some rays of hope to bodybuilders. They started to hope that they can build more muscles in a short duration by using HGH supplements. This hope was pumped by the pharmaceutical companies to expand their market.

But, professional athletes and bodybuilders who have tried it unravel the truth and say that they didn’t observe any significant gains in their muscle mass.

HGH is Anti-Aging

This myth about HGH is roared in the general population by anti-aging experts. They claim that replenished levels of HGH in older adults can tighten the tone and texture of the skin, improve body physique, and make them feel younger and active.

They base their claim on the point that, as GH levels decline with age, replenishing the GH levels as they were in youth years can rejuvenate their life with youthfullness.

But, the results obtained are very insignificant, and prolonged use of HGH can do more harm than benefit and pose you at the risk of diabetes and heart attacks.

Furthermore, recent studies have shown that very high levels of HGH in the blood can hasten the aging process, leading to early death, rather than prolonging the lifespan.

HGH is (Not) Testosterone

Many older people believe that HGH is testosterone, and it can increase their libido and sex drive. They are unaware of the fact that testosterone is a cholesterol-based hormone that, when taken orally, injected, or applied topically, can enhance the male characteristics. In contrast, growth hormone is a protein that stimulates cells to grow and develop.

The Bottom Line

Many common myths about HGH prevail among the general population. People take it as the Fountain of Youth, muscle builder, and anti-aging. But HGH shows insignificant results in these perspectives. Instead, it causes more serious side effects than benefits. You should always consult your doctor before using HGH in any form. Otherwise, you may be subjected to the risk of headaches, diabetes, and heart attacks.

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