HGH And Weight Loss

HGH And Weight Loss Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a type of hormone that performs many functions. In addition to its role in cell regeneration, muscle growth, improved heart function, and regulating blood sugar levels, HGH also aids weight loss by triggering processes that breakdown fats and lipids in the body. Naturally, middle-aged people tend […]

Man lifting weights at the gym while using HGH for muscle growth
HGH And The Lungs

HGH And The Lungs Unlike the relationship between HGH and essential body organs like the brain, heart, and liver, the relationship between HGH and the lungs isn’t a much discussed topic. There are however, a few points to be made about the effects on HGH and lung function. The lung is the major organ of […]

HGH And The Liver

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) And The Liver HGH has a very solid effect on the human liver, and these effects have been studied for years by the pharmaceutical and medical industry. Research on the connection between HGH and the liver suggest that liver cells (hepatocytes) secrete insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) hormone in response to the […]

HGH And The Heart

HGH And The Heart Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has been linked to the heart in both good and bad ways. As the super hormone that it is, HGH performs anabolic activities in the human system, and the results include inceased bone and muscle density, fresh, smooth skin, proper hair color and growth, and dozens of […]

HGH And Nerve Damage

HGH And Nerve Damage Nerve damage or injury, also known as Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition that describes a malfunction in the nerves of the arms, feet, and other nerves of the peripheral nervous system. This malfunction may manifest itself in form of paralysis, numbness of arms and legs, weakness, pain, and a burning sensation. […]

Blood glucose monitor and lancet for managing diabetes with HGH.
HGH and Hair Growth

HGH and Hair Growth Hair growth is largely affected by the presence of HGH. To debunk the myths and rumors surrounding the effects of HGH on hair growth, HGH does not slow down hair growth, neither does it cause hair loss. In fact, HGH promotes hair growth, and the gray, short and thin hair observed […]


Genotropin: Active ingredient of Genotropin is somatropin, produced through recombinant DNA technology. The amino acid sequence of this synthetic product is identical to that of HGH of pituitary gland origin, therefore stimulating linear growth in children; tissue growth; carbohydrate, lipid, protein, mineral and bone marker metabolism. It increases serum insulin-like growth factor-1. Health Canada has […]

Does HGH reduce inflammation

Does HGH reduce inflammation? Inflammations are localized superficial conditions in which the skin swells, reddens, and become irritable, sometimes causing pain. It is a form of response by the body’s immune system to a foreign body such as infections by harmful bacteria, or toxins. Inflammations are part of the normal response of the body to […]

Does HGH slow down aging?

Does HGH slow down aging? Human Growth Hormone (HGH) produced by the small, pea-sized pituitary gland located in the base of the brain is rumored to have a range of health benefits. Some of these claims are true, while others are just far-fetched or misunderstood. One of the myths surrounding the use of HGH is […]

Best Time To Use HGH

Best Time To Use HGH The human growth hormone (HGH), otherwise known as somatotropin is produced naturally by the pituitary gland right beneath the brain, but it has been synthesized in labs now. This has made it possible to administer it intravenously or orally for bodybuilders and athletes to use it at freewill for building […]